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Ramshackle Ramparts, Ruined Ramshackle Ramparts and The Gates of Ramshackle

The Ramshackle Ramparts and The Gates of Ramshackle are available to download for those who chose the Cities of Ramshackle Bundle or The All-In Ramshackle, Ruin, and Port Bundles.

The Ruined Ramshackle Ramparts are available to download for those who chose the Cities of Ruins Bundle or The All-In Ramshackle, Ruin, and Port Bundles.

To Download

Ramshackle Ramparts

Ramshackle Ramparts 3d Print terrain

The Gates of Ramshackle

The Gates of Ramshackle 3d printed terrain

Ruined Ramshackle Ramparts

Ruined Ramshackle Ramparts 3d Print terrain
Ruined Ramshackle Ramparts 3d Print terrain

To download, please ensure you are logged in and then process the product through the cart: the products in your ‘Campaign Membership’ will be $0.00 and have the Campaign icon over them.

If you need help, please email [email protected], as we do not want to ask you for your personal information via the comments section.

New Models Ready to Download

Status Update

We will post a weekly status update to let you know what’s coming up and what’s available to download.

  • Ready to download. (NEW) – This is a new release for this update.
  • Ready to download – Click the product link to the product page and download the model download to the product.
  • Product is being finalized. – The model is finished, and we are preparing it for the website.
  • Print and paint testing. – The model is being test printed and test painted. There may be further design work needed.
  • In the 3D design phase. – We’re 3D modeling.

Cities of Ramshackle

City Watch Headquarters: Ready to download.

Merchant Guild: Ready to download

City Manor: Ready to download.

Corbel Expansion Pack: Ready to download.

Cities of Ruin

Ruined City Watch Headquarters: Ready to download.

Ruined Merchants Guild: Ready to download.

Ruined City Manor: Ready to download.

Corpse Piles: Ready to download.

Port of Ramshackle

The Shipwreck Siren: Ready to download.

Bosuns Bungalow: Ready to download.

Fishermans Scatter: Ready to download.

Catch of the Day: Ready to download.

Stretch Goals

Alleyway Peddlers Stall: Ready to download.

Tombstones: Ready to download.

Ramshackle Rocks: Ready to download.

City Inn: Ready to download.

Ruined City Inn: Ready to download.

OpenLOCK City Foundations Pack: Ready to download.

Chimney options: Ready to download.

Grave Diggers Hut: Ready to download.

The Stewards Hideaway: Ready to download.

Rum Distillery: Ready to download.

Undertakers: Ready to download.

Crane: Ready to download.

City Tenement: Ready to download.

Meteor Craters: Ready to download.

Ruined Longboat: Ready to download.

Ramshackle Outhouse and Stable: Ready to download.

Ruined City Tenement: Ready to download.

Ramshackle Rope Bridges: Ready to download.

The Tower of the Screaming Bell: Ready to download.

Blasted Trees: Ready to download.

OpenLOCK City Bridge: The product is being finalized.

City Apothecary: Ready to download.

OpenLOCK Graveyard: Ready to download.

Jetty: In the 3D design phase.

Roof Spikes: Ready to download.

Ruined City Apothecary: Ready to download.

The Gunners Rickety Roost: Ready to Download

City Inn Expansion: In the 3D design phase.

Bracing for Ruins: Ready to download.

The Boatswain Bunkhouse: Print and paint testing.

Ramshackle Gangplanks: Ready to Download

Ruined City Inn Expansion: In the 3D design phase.

Ruined OpenLOCK City Bridge: The product is being finalized.

Ramshackle Fences: Ready to download.

Rubble Piles and Scatter: Ready to download.

Port Lifting Bridge: In the 3D design phase.

City Blacksmith : Ready to download.

Ruined City Blacksmith: Ready to download.

OpenLOCK City Foundations Port Walls: Ready to download.

City Watermill: In the 3D design phase.

Ruined City Watermill: In the 3D design phase.

OpenLOCK City Foundation Stairs: Ready to download.

Dingy Davits: Print and Paint testing.

Shrine of Ruin: Ready to download.

City Foundations Ruins: The product is being finalized.

Ramshackle Ramparts: Ready to download. (New)

Ruined Ramshackle Ramparts: Ready to download. (New)

OpenLOCK City Foundations Low Walls: Ready to download.

The Gates of Ramshackle: Ready to download. (New)

Add Ons

The Pirate Witcher Warband: Ready to download.

Swamp Dragon Awakes and Prisoners: Ready to download.

Thanks for backing the Cities of Ramshackle and Ruin campaign.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

Joanne and the team at Printable Scenery

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