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Swap levels on your Cities of Ramshackle Buildings

Start swapping levels on your Cities of Ramshackle Buildings. Below are the different swappable options; click the links to explore the Product Pages. Check out the product pages to see which levels are swappable for even more info.

And it doesn’t stop here! Stay tuned; we will update this blog with more inter-compatible products as we release them.

Swappable option A

  • Level 1 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Lv1) or City Apothecary (City-Apothecary-Lv1)
  • Level 2 Merchant Guild (Merchant-Guild-Lv2 and Balconies)
  • Level 3 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Lv3)
  • Level 4 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Lv4 and Roof Spikes)
  • Level 5 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Roof-Watchtower)
  • Level 6 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Roof-B)
  • Level 7 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Roof-Ring)
  • Level 8 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Roof-A)

Swappable option B

  • Level 1 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Lv1) or City Apothecary (City-Apothecary-Lv1)
  • Level 2 Merchant Guild (Merchant-Guild-Lv2 and Balconies)
  • Level 3 Merchant Guild (Merchant-Guild-Lv3 and Roof Spikes)
  • Level 4 Merchant Guild (Merchant-Guild-Roof and Roof Spikes)
  • Level 5 Merchant Guild (Roof Spikes)

Swappable option C

  • Level 1 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Lv1) or City Apothecary (City-Apothecary-Lv1)
  • Level 2 Merchant Guild (Merchant-Guild-Lv2 and Balconies)
  • Level 3 Merchant Guild (Merchant-Guild-Lv3 and Roof Spikes)
  • Level 4 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Roof-Watchtower)
  • Level 5 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Roof-B)
  • Level 6 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Roof-Ring)
  • Level 7 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Roof-A)

Swappable option D

  • Level 1 Merchant Guild (Merchant-Guild-Lv1)
  • Level 2 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Lv3)
  • Level 3 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Lv4 and Roof Spikes)
  • Level 4 Merchant Guild (Merchant-Guild-Roof and Roof Spikes)

Swappable option E

  • Level 1 Merchant Guild (Merchant-Guild-Lv1)
  • Level 2 Merchant Guild (Merchant-Guild-Lv2 and Balconies)
  • Level 3 Merchant Guild (Merchant-Guild-Lv3 and Roof Spikes)
  • Level 4 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Roof-Watchtower)
  • Level 5 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Roof-B)
  • Level 6 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Roof-Ring)
  • Level 7 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Roof-A)

Swappable option F

  • Level 1 City Manor (City-Manor-Lv1) or (City-Inn-Lv1) or (City-Blacksmith-Lv1)
  • Level 2 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Lv2)
  • Level 3 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Lv3)
  • Level 4 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Lv4 and Roof Spikes)
  • Level 5 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Roof-Watchtower)
  • Level 6 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Roof-B)
  • Level 7 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Roof-Ring)
  • Level 8 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Roof-A)

Swappable option G

  • Level 1 City Manor (City-Manor-Lv1) or (City-Inn-Lv1) or (City-Blacksmith-Lv1)
  • Level 2 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Lv3)
  • Level 3 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Lv4 and Roof Spikes)
  • Level 4 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Roof-Watchtower)
  • Level 5 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Roof-B)
  • Level 6 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Roof-Ring)
  • Level 7 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Roof-A)

Swappable option H

  • Level 1 City Manor (City-Manor-Lv1) or (City-Inn-Lv1) or (City-Blacksmith-Lv1)
  • Level 2 Merchant Guild (Merchant-Guild-Lv2 and Balconies)
  • Level 3 Merchant Guild (Merchant-Guild-Lv3 and Roof Spikes)
  • Level 4 Merchant Guild (Merchant-Guild-Roof and Roof Spikes)
  • Level 5 Merchant Guild (Roof Spikes)

Swappable option I

  • Level 1 City Inn (City-Inn-Lv1)
  • Level 2 City Manor (City-Manor-Lv2)
  • Level 3 City Manor (City-Manor-Lv3)
  • Level 4 City Manor (City-Manor-Roof)

Swappable option J

  • Level 1 City Inn side 1 (City-Inn-Lv1) Side 2 City Manor side 1 (City-Manor-Lv1)
  • Level 2 City Inn (City-Inn-Lv2-Mirror) Side 2 City Inn (City-Inn-Lv2)
  • Level 3 City Inn (City-Inn-lv3-Mirror) Side 2 City Inn (City-Inn-Lv3)
  • Level 4 City Inn (City-Inn-Lv4-B) Side 2 (City-Inn-Lv4-A)
  • Level 5 City Inn (City-Inn-Roof and Roof Spikes)

Swappable option K

  • Level 1 City Black smith (City-Blacksmith-Lv1)
  • Level 2 City Manor (City-Manor-Lv2)
  • Level 3 City Manor (City-Manor-Lv3)
  • Level 4 City Manor (City-Manor-Roof)

Swappable option L

  • Level 1  side 1 City Inn (City-Inn-Lv1) Side 2 City Blacksmith (City-Blacksmith-Lv1)
  • Level 2 City Inn (City-Inn-Lv2-Mirror) Side 2 City Inn (City-Inn-Lv2)
  • Level 3 City Inn (City-Inn-lv3-Mirror) Side 2 City Inn (City-Inn-Lv3)
  • Level 4 City Inn (City-Inn-Lv4-B) Side 2 (City-Inn-Lv4-A)
  • Level 5 City Inn (City-Inn-Roof and Roof Spikes)

Swappable option M

  • Level 1  City Manor (City-Manor-Lv1)
  • Level 2 City Blacksmith (City-Blacksmith-Roof-Pt1) + (City-Blacksmith-Roof-Pt2) + (City-Blacksmith-Top-1) + (City-Blacksmith-Top-1)

Swappable option N

  • Level 1 City Inn (City-Inn-Lv1)
  • Level 2 City Blacksmith (City-Blacksmith-Roof-Pt1) + (City-Blacksmith-Roof-Pt2) + (City-Blacksmith-Top-1) + (City-Blacksmith-Top-1)

Swappable option O

  • Level 1 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Lv1)
  • Level 2 City Apothecary (City-Apothecary-Lv2 and Balcony)
  • Level 3 City Apothecary (City-Apothecary-Lv3)
  • Level 4 City Apothecary (City-Apothecary-Lv4-Base, and City-Apothecary-Lv4 and City-Apothecary-Lv4-Roof)

Swappable option P

  • Level 1 City Apothecary (City-Apothecary-Lv1)
  • Level 2 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Lv2 and Balconies)
  • Level 3 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Lv3)
  • Level 4 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Lv4 and Roof Spikes)
  • Level 5 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Roof-Watchtower)
  • Level 6 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Roof-B)
  • Level 7 City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Roof-Ring)
  • Level 8  City Watch Headquarters (City-Watch-Roof-A)

Swappable option Q

  • Level 1 City Inn (City-Inn-Lv1)
  • Level 2 City Inn (City-Watch-Lv2-Mirror)
  • Level 3 City Inn (City-Watch-Lv2)
  • Level 4 City Tenement (City-Tenement-Roof)
  • Level 5 City Tenement (City-Tenement-Roof-Cap)

Swappable option R

  • Level 1 City Tenement side 1 (City-Tenement-Lv1) Side 2 City Inn side 1 (City-Inn-Lv1-Mirror)
  • Level 2 City Inn (City-Inn-Lv2-Mirror) Side 2 City Inn (City-Inn-Lv2)
  • Level 3 City Inn (City-Inn-lv3-Mirror) Side 2 City Inn (City-Inn-Lv3)
  • Level 4 City Inn (City-Inn-Lv4-B) Side 2 (City-Inn-Lv4-A)
  • Level 5 City Inn (City-Inn-Roof and Roof Spikes)

Swappable option S

  • Level 1 City Inn (City-Inn-Lv1)
  • Level 2 City Tenement (City-Tenement-Lv2)
  • Level 3 City Tenement (City-Tenement-Lv3)
  • Level 4 City Tenement (City-Tenement-Roof)
  • Level 5 City Tenement (City-Tenement-Roof-Cap)

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