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The Fluyt

(20 customer reviews)


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The Fluyt is a ship that can be used in a fantasy or historical setting. It was originally purposed by the Dutch as a sailing vessel for transporting cargo.

To rig this model check out our general Rigging Guide.

It includes separate deck layouts, a removable ‘wake’ that simulates ship movement, ballista and rigging clips. There are rigging clips for normal angles.

This product is part of the The Lost Ships. Please log in if you backed the campaign.

This product is delivered as a .ZIP file pack containing 3d printer files (STL files) for use on a home 3D Printer.


A large ship of consequence, progression and tax avoidance, the East India trading company employed these as the stalwart of their trading fleet to choke out competitors. They needed to be armed to fight off the pirates attracted to so much wealth… and if they were to fall into the wrong hands could be used in a pinch as a mercenary vessel.



  • 25 September 2018 (version 1.1) Small printer option updated.
  • 20 March 2019 (version 1.2) Fluyt-Wake-F adjusted to sit perfectly flat to print bed.
  • 18 February 2021(version 2.0) Hull wood grain re-textured to prevent stringing


  • Supports need to be touching build plate when printing the stern.
  • Right-click on the image below and “Save As” to download the reference sheet for this pack.
  • Add supports touching build plates if you get too much stringing on the lower section of the hull or if using Cura select “make overhang printable”.
  • Product measurements can be found in the image gallery.

Medium Printer Reference

Small Printer Reference

Fittings Reference


Fluyt Rigging

You will need 6mm (1/4 inch) and 4mm (3/16 inch) dowel for the masts and black elastic string for the rope. You may need to sand the ends of the dowel to insert into the mast holes easily.

Wake Reference

Ballista Reference

Additional information




Prints without Supports, Supports touching buildplate

Layer Height

.2 for Normal Quality .1 for High Quality (.2 Layer height is recommended)

20 questions for The Fluyt

  1. Mark Sim (verified owner)

    I just noticed that the small printer version of the The Fluyt has a problem; Fluyt-Front-A-v1.7.stl is the same piece as Fluyt-Back-C-v2.1.stl. In other words; its the stern of the ship and not it’s bow.

    • Jo Boorer

      Thanks for pointing this out.
      We have now updated The Fluyt

  2. coy (verified owner)

    Was wondering if you can update the model to have 7 cannon ports on each side of the ship
    so its more compatible with firelocks Blood n Plunder ?

    Also I have notice the bottom half of ships hulls don’t print out that well a lot of cleanup needed “with all ships”
    to fix this problem suggested that the deep wood grains in that area be alittle more shallow not as deep
    i think would solve that problem

    • Sam Campbell (verified owner)

      Adding cannons is something we could do as an upgrade in the future.

      You can turn on build supports touching plate only for the ship pieces and that will solve most of the stringing problems.

  3. ben1 (verified owner)

    A tip, not a question– For those with a small printer, when assembling the rear of the ship, I definitely recommend gluing together pieces that assemble side to side first, and then gluing those pieces top-to-bottom.

    I did it the opposite way and I’m having a bit of trouble with gaps.

    • Sam Campbell (verified owner)

      Yes, a very good tip. You can do it this way.

  4. Skip Stephenson

    A question about all the ships you’ve got available – would it be possible to get versions of the decks with 1 inch squares on them for movement on the decks?
    It’d be nice to have them able to track movement instead of guessing where miniatures should be.

    • Sam Campbell (verified owner)

      Thanks for suggestion we’ll add it to our ideas queue for possible development.

  5. jean.rondenet (verified owner)

    can you give the number of rigging pieces we have to print ?

    • Sam Campbell (verified owner)

      This is only a guide. but here are the pieces required to rig this.
      4xA, 5xB, 2xC, 1 xD, 4xE, 1xF, 1xG, 1xH

  6. rwillard1991 (verified owner)

    What does the rigging AA AB BB mean?

    • Sam Campbell (verified owner)

      AA = 2 small holes, AB = big and small hole, BB = 2 big holes. It’s for the relative diameter of masts to fit through.

  7. rwillard1991 (verified owner)

    What is fluyt-Rig-V1.1 for? I looked at all the photos and I cant see it used anywhere.

    • Sam Campbell (verified owner)

      fluyt-Rig-V1.1 is s placed next to the mast in two square indents.

  8. kreed346 (verified owner)

    About how much string?

    • Sam Campbell (verified owner)

      Approximately 5-10m, the 1mm millinery elastic is quite cheap so we didn’t measure how much precisely you would need.

  9. Ken1 (verified owner)

    Question – Very new to 3D printing. Have the Ender 3 Pro and printing the stern Fluyt_Back – and description says “Supports need to touch build plate” but Additional Information say No supports needed. I am using Cura 4 as my slicer. Do I need to add any supports, or can I print it as is?

    • Sam Campbell (verified owner)

      You will need supports touching buildplate for anything that has a lower hull.

  10. Ken1 (verified owner)

    I have the ship printed, and the rigging pieces (sets 1-9) but not sure how and where to place these on the dowels in order to create the masts and cross pieces so I can put the string on.. Are there assembly instructions somewhere on how to put this all together? Thank you

    • Sam Campbell (verified owner)

      Under the description Tab there is an assembly diagram and general rigging video.

  11. William Manley (verified owner)

    If you are trying to figure out which rigging files to print, see below. I just spent time figuring things out (but haven’t printed or assembled yet). But I thought I’d share this info. in case it helps anyone else. Thanks to Sam Campbell for clarifying things above.

    Filename / label on figure / number needed to print:
    Fluyt-Rig-v1.1.stl NA 1
    Rig-1-I-AA-v1.3.stl E 4
    Rig-1-I-AB-v1.3.stl F 1
    Rig-4-I-AA-v1.3.stl G 1
    Rig-7-I-A-v1.3.stl A 4
    Rig-7-I-B-v1.3.stl C 2
    Rig-8-I-A-v1.3.stl B 5
    Rig-8-I-B-v1.3.stl D 1
    Rig-9-I-Nest-AB-v1.3.stl H 1

    Better yet, you can access a modified diagram, and a table, at …


    • Sam Campbell (verified owner)

      Thanks Bill, This is great. I’ve published these photos on the forum and edited the link out of the post because we don’t allow external linking to drop-boxes in comments.

  12. William Manley (verified owner)

    (I included all of the delivered filenames above, but if not labeled with a letter and number are not needed; ie., Printable Scenery delivered lots of rigging files, but you don’t need most of them for the Fluyt).

    • Sam Campbell (verified owner)

      We included a standard rigging set for most ships in case anyone wants to rig their ship differently.

  13. William Manley (verified owner)

    Does anyone know why there are mirror-image files of the cannon ports? Seems like the standard cannon ports would work for both sides of the ship.

    • Sam Campbell (verified owner)

      This was a customer request.

  14. William Manley (verified owner)

    Yes, but are the mirror image files needed? In other words, are the cannon ports different on opposite sides? Thanks.

    • Nicholas Jebson

      No the mirror image files are not necessary, but they were a customer request so we added them.

  15. Brian Etty (verified owner)

    The rigging diagram photo is missing a label for the extension at the rear of the ship. I believe this to be G when compared to the other ships I am rigging. This would be to secure the 12 CM 4 3/4″ dowel to the main 14cm 5/12″ dowel at the rear of the ship.

  16. jskirby00 (verified owner)

    Could we get an open trapdoor for the cannon holes on the main ship’s body? similar to the open trapdoor on the “Cannon-Port” piece

    • Jo Boorer (verified owner)

      Thanks for your suggestion. I will add this to our Model updates list

  17. Kayoz

    What are the dimensions of the Fluyt?

  18. Leon Peulings (verified owner)

    so if I print it on my ender 3 with the recommended 20% infill I will chew throw more than half a role of filament for the back alone. Has anyone tried with diffrent infill settings and tell me how it went for them?

  19. Michael Faulkenberry (verified owner)

    I am surprised how awful the assembly instructions are. Is a fuzzy picture of the completed ship with arrows the best instruction provided? Maybe I am missing a file or something.

    • Matt Barker

      There is the image on the product page with the different lengths that I used when making the rig.

  20. Michael Sage (verified owner)

    Trying to download the latest version. Is anyone else getting an error when clicking the link?

    • Joanne Boorer (verified owner)

      I have refreshed the link for this.
      If it still does not work.
      Try clearing your cache and re-downloading.

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